Add a route to an existing booking In this video (4:13) we will cover the following topics- adding a route to an existing booking adding a secondary route (ie: adding a groomsman limo to a wedding shuttle) Editing segments to build the route you want ...
Account Settings Helper/Explainer The following will explain the Trip Settings section on the account settings page and what it means for your company- Trip Settings Trip Settings Section on the Account Settings Page Vehicle Spot Time (Pre-Trip)= ...
Creating bookings that did not come from quotes In this video (4:42) we will cover the following topics- Creating a booking without a quote Choosing a contacts for the booking Trip references Saving the draft building the stops, destinations, yards, ...
Edit Stops Modal Auto Calculations Explained TBN's edit stop modal is designed to help you build trips and calculate the times and miles in order to provide prices to you and your customers. Understanding how it works and how it can be manipulated ...